Inside the case, which you should never attempt to open, is a stack of circular platters. These are made either of aluminium alloy or a mixture of glass and ceramic. To allow data storage, both sides of each platter are coated with a magnetic medium - formerly magnetic oxide, but now, almost exclusively, a layer of metal called a thin-film medium. This stores data in magnetic patterns, with each platter capable of storing a billion or so bits of data per square inch (bpsi) of platter surface. Typically two or three or more platters are stacked on top of each other with a common
Because the HDD has platters rotating at such high speeds and a read-write head zooming around just above the surface of the platters, it is easy to damage a HDD if the PC is moved or jolted suddenly while the platters are spinning.
As we said at the beginning, the HDD is the long term memory of the PC where programs, data and indeed the operating system itself are stored as magnetically-oriented metal particles on the surface of the platters. This data is persistent and, unlike the data in RAM, does not disappear when power to the PC is turned off. The amount of data that can be stored on a single HDD has grown dramatically over the past few years. Five years ago a 40GB hard disc drive was considered large. Today, the largest capacity HDDs are in the region of 500GB and most new PCs will have 160GB-250GB HDDs as standard - an awesome amount of storage capacity for a domestic PC.
Tomorrow, plug-in cards.
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