In desperation I rang the island's IT supremo who said he'd be over in five minutes. Soon after I hung up I noticed that I had now acquired an IP address in the 10.x.x.x range and we were up and running. When the IT chappy arrived he said I should disable my proxy server (which I never have enabled) but couldn't explain why I was connected. I tried to explain to him that before I called him I wasn't able to even get an IP address and he said that I didn't need one! Hmmm... interesting network they're running. Anyway, he departed and the connection stayed up for a couple of hours, then went down. Once again, I could get no IP address from the DHCP server or couldn't communicate with it. I rang reception to complain and as soon as I did I noticed that I again got an IP address. After a little bit of experimentation I found that to make contact with the DHCP server one must first dial a number on the phone, any number will do (we've been dialling 9 for an outside line, which does the trick), and a few seconds later you get your IP address. I wouldn't like to think how other less techie guests are managing. I've been debating whether I'll share this info with the IT chappy, but I suspect he already knows that this quirk exists with at least some of the room wireless APs and is saying nothing.
So, at 25$ per day for a flaky, slow wireless link I say adieu. Talk to you again when we return to the world of broadband and leave you with a couple of pix from this morning's snorkelling.

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